TCC Family Health (TCC) trainers, Elisa Nicholas, MD, MSPH, Clinical Professor of Pediatrics at University of California Irvine; Maria Chandler, MD, MBA, Clinical Professor of Pediatrics at University of California Irvine; and Jennifer Ponce, MPH, Assistant Professor, California State University Fullerton conduct trauma informed training and workshops locally, regionally and nationally. They have successfully trained thousands of individuals and agencies and are available to evaluate, consult and train both in one hour training and 4 hour agency trainings. They have trained health and mental health providers and staff, public health providers, legal aid providers, city prosecutors, city parks and recreation staff to name a few. Training focuses on not only recognition of the signs and symptoms of adversity and trauma in children and families, but also on developing strategies to build resiliency and protective factors in families and communities and those who serve them as well.
Their Trauma Informed Care Training is offered as a 4 hour training where individuals will:
- Learn about the effects of toxic stress, trauma and childhood adversity on lifelong health and well-being.
- Understand how protective factors and resiliency can buffer the effects of adversity and toxic stress.
- Know how those working with children and families can take a more trauma informed approach to interact and work with those families they serve.
- Work together as a community through not only individual work but also policy efforts to identify trauma, toxic stress and childhood adversity early so together we address these issues and buffer the lifelong effects.
In addition, TCC’s master trainers are actively engaged in sharing lessons learned with other organizations and leaders in the community who serve children and families. They facilitate transformation of entire systems and communities to become trauma informed and empathetic thus supporting resiliency and protective factors in individual children, families and the community as a whole. TCC trainers are introducing a Trauma-Informed Approach to service delivery. TCC’s trainings are based on National Council for Behavioral Health, SAMHSA, Futures without Violence and the Center for the Developing Child at Harvard, among others.
For more information or to sign up, please contact us at (562) 264-4623 or email us to
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About EBBI
The Children’s Clinic, “Serving Children and Their Families” Everychild Bright Beginnings Initiative (EBBI) is a program designed to address the effects of toxic stress and chronic exposure to violence in infants, toddlers, and pregnant mothers. There is increasing scientific evidence that family stress during pregnancy and the first three years of life shape the “scaffolding” of a child’s growing brain with dramatic and lifelong effects not only on their health but also on their ability to learn, behave, and cope with life changes into adulthood.
EBBI is one of the first ever projects to embed toxic stress screenings into routine pre-natal and pediatric medical check-ups. TCC is training its staff in the method of trauma-informed care, which is emerging nationally as an effective approach to recognizing the impact of past trauma (such as child abuse and domestic violence) on parental abilities to provide a nurturing and safe home environment for their children.
The Everychild Bright Beginnings Initiative is sponsored by the Everychild Foundation