COVID-19 Resources
☐ We Love LB is organizing volunteers to assist high risk residents with various tasks if they are quarantined or isolated. Residents need to fill out the PDF to request needed services.
☐ Long Beach Public Libraries are relaxing their borrowing policy, all due dates are extended. Also, free online tutoring and learning resources are available with a library card. You can apply for a card online then follow pin instructions to activate. Staff is available to help via phone 562-570-7500
☐ Pacific Gateway is open and offering assistance with filing for unemployment claims and with employment. They will also be going LIVE on instagram, Monday- Friday at 2:00PM to talk about unemployment and workforce services and answer questions live from the public. Instagram Handle: @Pacgateway.
☐ Scholastic Learn at home provides children with 20 + days of articles and stories, videos and fun learning challenges.
☐ Lil’ Libros is offering free worksheets and coloring pages to supplement learning at home.
☐ Virtual Fieldtrips for youth to explore various parks and museums.
☐ Zero to Three provides resources on how to talk to your child about COVID- 19 and activities to keep them busy.
☐ Indoor Activities to keep toddlers busy with household items.
☐ GoNoodle provides free movement and mindfulness videos for children.
☐ PBS SoCal offers free programming for K-12 students and interactive games for youth.
☐ Sesame Street in Communities has activities and videos to help parents interact and provide comfort to their young children.
☐ Storyline Online provides stories for youth that are read aloud by celebrities.
☐ 123 Homeschool 4 Me provides 101 Fun things to do as a family during COVID- 19 isolation
For the elderly (65 or older), pregnant women, or people with chronic health conditions the recommendation is to get support from a family member or friend with groceries and /or if possible get groceries delivered to prevent exposure.
☐ Senior Centers will remain open only for café and meals. Meals will be served during the following times.Long Beach Senior Center (1150 E. 4th St.): 8:00 AM- 1:00 PM
Cesar Chavez Park (401 Golden Ave): 12:00 PM- 2:00 PM
El Dorado Park (2800 N. Studebaker Rd.): 11:00 AM- 1:00 PM
Mcbride Park (1500 Martin Luther King Jr. Ave): 11:00 am- 1:00 pm
Ramona Park (3301 E. 65TH St): 11:00 AM- 1:00 PM
Silverado Park (1545 W. 31st) : 12:00 PM- 2:00 PM
☐ Salvation Army is a disaster preparedness site and will be providing food boxes for families to pick up on Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 9:00 AM- 4:00 PM.
Address: 3092 Long Beach Blvd, Long Beach, CA 90807.
For those who are quarantined and need delivery please call 562-247-3538.
☐ Meals on Wheels Long Beach is still providing meals for seniors. They must apply online or through the phone. The waiting process for the application to be approved is one week.
☐ Northgate Markets will open from 7:00 AM- 8:00 AM for seniors over 65 years old, and pregnant women.
☐ Mother Markets is opening from 6:00 AM-7:00 AM for seniors over 60 years old, and pregnant women. Seniors can order online, for free shipping use discount code FREE4SENIORS.
☐ Superior Markets will open from 7:00 AM- 8:00 AM for seniors over 65 years old and individuals with a disability.
☐ Ralphs will open from 7:00 AM- 7:30 AM for seniors over 65 years old.
☐ Smart & Final Markets will open from 7:30 AM- 8:00 AM for seniors over 65 years old and individuals with a disability.
☐ Catholic Charities – Long Beach Community Services Center (123 E 14th St) offers a food Distribution Tues, Thurs from 9:30am to 12pm and also from 1:30pm to 3pm.
Call: 213-251-3432
☐ Smart & Final Markets will open from 7:30 AM- 8:00 AM for seniors over 65 years old and individuals with a disability.
☐ Costco will open from 8:00 AM- 9:00 AM on Tuesdays and Thursdays for seniors over 60 years old.
☐ Walgreens will open from 8:00 AM- 9:00 AM only for seniors over 55 years old. Tuesdays is also Senior’s Day with all day discounts.
☐ WIC offices will stay open and will remotely be issuing families with food benefits. For more information, please call 562-570-4242
☐ Charter Spectrum will offer free broadband and Wi-Fi access for 60 days to households with K- 12 and/or college students. Please call 844-488-8395.
☐ Long Beach Water, SoCal Gas, and Southern California Edison temporarily suspend shutoffs until further notice during COVID-19. Please check online for updates.
☐ Human-i-t is partnering up with LBUSD to connect families to low cost internet and/ or
get a free computer. Text 562-372-6925 or apply online.
☐ U-Haul will offer 30 days of self-storage to college students for free.
☐ Labor & Workforce Development has an informative chart with links to learn more about the resources and benefits for workers impacted by COVID-19
☐ USA.GOV provides information on government programs to help pay for phone bills, medical bills. and other assistance.
☐ Together We Rise will provide/ help find housing for youth that are staying in college dorms or university housing and are potentially at risk for homelessness.
☐ National Alliance of Mental Illness guide to emotional support during COVID-19 including resources to online support groups and coping strategies.
☐ The Peer-Run Warm Line is a non-emergency resource for anyone in CA seeking emotional support. Available via phone (855-845-7415) and web chat.
☐ The Los Angeles Department of Mental Health provides 24/7 mental health support, resources and referrals. Please call 800-854-7771.
☐ Alcoholic Anonymous Online Meetings provides alternative methods to AA meetings.
☐ Tangible resources for undocumented individuals with links to other resources.
☐ NPR.org is offering a list of free online resources for adult activities. From online classes on various topics to fitness videos, and music classes.